torsdag 31. mars 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Do you hear that, Annie? That's the sound of STDs screaming "No! Stop being so aware of us!"
- Dean Craig Pelton, Community S1E11

Yes, I know today is not Valentine's day, but some friends and I were talking about this incident on the way to the railway station last Sunday and I realised I hadn't put this on here, so now I intend to. What I'm talking about is a charming e-mail that was issued to all students of the Wentworth College at York University four days before Valentine's Day. Below you'll find the text almost in its entirety, I have only omitted an e-mail address since this is now obsolete.

Dear Wentworth,

Valentine's Day is coming! Want to show your love for your body and your


Wednesday, 16th February,  7-10pm

A trained nurse and volunteer from Yorscreen will visit your flat and
offer you the test. The test is fast, easy, anonymous and free! You can
say no if you don't want to take it.

Everyone who takes a test will get a free gift. Also, if you get tested
you will be entered in a drawing to win a dinner for two in York. Go
with your sweetheart, or your best friend!

If it is very important to you to avoid this event, please email
(...) with your name and room number by 12pm on
February 16. Yorscreen will still visit your flat, but they won't knock
on your door.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause
infertility. Most people don't know they have it, but it is easy to
cure. If you have ever had sex, you should get tested.

For lots of useful information about Chlamydia,

To read information about Chlamydia in mandarin Chinese,

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

It is of course an important cause, but a couple of things are nonetheless quite remarkable. First of all I doubt if anyone would get in the mood for romance on Valentine's Day with this message hovering in the background. Secondly I find it puzzling that despite the focus on showing your partner love by checking yourself for two kinds of STDs, the actual testing does not take place until two days after Valentine's Day. I guess the message is: wear a condom.


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