søndag 31. mai 2020
Cielo arriba - a poem by Raquel Lanseros
As a way to unwind during my still ongoing self-isolation, I have been translating works by Spanish poet Raquel Lanseros into my native Norwegian. These translations are primarily language exercises and intellectual games on my part rather than professional renditions. Even so, they are immensely satisfying, and a reminder to myself about the calming and invigorating powers of poetry, and I will continue to share my translations in future blogposts. I remain very grateful to Raquel Lanseros herself for allowing me to publish these and to share them with the world.
This time I have chosen "Cielo arriba", a poem that can be found in its original language here. As usual, an English rendition of my translation will be found at the end, but note that this is meant to convey the choices I've made in the translation into Norwegian, rather than being a translation into English.
Himmelen over
(Cielo arriba; Raquel Lanseros)
Og kor frydfullt, og med slik ein iver
støyter ein seg mot verda
og allereie før ein forstår det elskar ein henne.
Og slik ein urgamal fascinasjon
over å oppdage den heimlege leira
og finne den hjå froskane i dammen
som kvekkar dei uforanderlege sanningane,
og i den søte raven i søtsitronen
som i sin søtleik etterliknar same draumen.
I leitinga etter det store, som ein går ut frå
inneheld det vesle, gjev ein seg deretter i kast med
det som lukka krev, og råsa
held ikkje opp med å freiste vandraren.
Og den gjer seg om til tid, og landskapa
opnar seg opp og dirrar i under,
og ansikta marsjerer forbi og striden
fornyar sin tusenårige silhuett,
og verdshjulet vender seg og vender seg
og bytter ut styrken med trøyttleik,
men hugtakinga er utan ende
og ein kjenner seg i live fordi ein veit
at alt, for alltid, er i fyrstegrøden.
Og ein legg seg ned ved kanten av lagnaden
for å drikke av skuggen. Då høyrer ein
kvekkinga frå froskane i dammen.
Den opphavlege sanninga som alltid kjem attende
til den som allereie skjønar kva som er sant.
Heaven above
And how joyfully, and with what eagerness
one throws oneself against the world
and already before one understands it, one loves it.
And such a primordial fascination
at discovering the native clay
among the frogs in the pond
who croak the immutable truths,
and in the sweet amber in the citron
who in its sweetness imitates that same dream.
In the search for the great, which one presumes
contains the small, one gives oneself over to
what fortune demands, and the path
does not desist from tempting the wanderer.
And it turns itself into time, and the landscapes
unfold and stirs in wonderment,
and the faces march by and the struggle
renews its millennial silhouette,
and the world-wheel turns itself and turns itself
and substitutes strength with tiredness,
but the enchantment is without end
and one feels alive because one knows
that everything, forever, is in its firstfruits.
And one lays oneself down by the edge of fate
to drink of the shadow. Then one hears
the croaking from the frogs in the pond.
The first truth that always comes again
to those who understand already what is true.
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