In this orgy of rhetoric one almost
loses sight of another very important statement
- In the Presence of the Dead,
Karsten Friis-Jensen (2006)As every historian learns
to know at some point, the conveying of historical fact and
historical narratives is fraught with numerous challenges and
difficult choices. To write about historical issues is therefore a
delicate matter, and to navigate and negotiate vast chronologies or
to assemble a bric-a-brac of historical material, require great care
and sobriety. It is therefore always frustrating and saddening to me
when an unprofessional decides to dabble in history and present it to
an audience, without the proper methodological schooling or
awareness. This blogpost is a response to a recent example of such
a piece on the Vikings written by Irish journalist and
Middle East correspondent Patrick Cockburn, published in The
Independent. The piece in question was a response to the current
Viking exhibition at British Museum.
In my response, I do not
wish to be facetious, nor do I wish to be ungenerous, and I will
therefore state rightaway that I sympathise and agree with Cockburn's
major point, namely that the Vikings were a band of brutal warriors
who were responsible for great atrocities, and that in our times
there is a certain revisionism that tends to downplay this aspect of
the Viking culture. This basic point is true. Murder, rape,
enslavement and pillage were all part of the job description for a
Viking, and these are not to made a trifle of. The problem is that
Cockburn commits so many methodological fallacies and descends into
rhetoric and ahistoricity that this central point disappears in
comparisons that are obfuscating rather than clarifying, in a
rhetoric that is histrionic and in a presentation of history that is
grossly imprecise and simplistic.

Danish Vikings attacking England
From Morgan Pierpoint Library
M. 736, Life, Passion and Miracles of St. Edmund, King and Martyr
Courtesy of Wikimedia
Category mistakes
go awry from the very beginning, as the lead paragraph states that
carried out atrocities to equal those of the German SS". This is
problematic on several levels, and if one of my students had written
this in an essay, I would have refused to let him pass and given him
a severe scolding for such anachronism. And this is the first issue,
namely the juxtaposition of two phenomena separated by almost a
millennia, which arose in widely different cultural and political
contexts and that overall are not in any way connected by historical
developments. There is no trajectory that ties the Vikings and the
Waffen SS together, and a juxtaposition of these historical
categories are consequently pointless and vastly problematic.
Furthermore, it does not make sense to juxtapose these the
Vikings and the Waffen SS because they do not belong to the same
historical categories. First of all, a Viking denotes a man with a
certain modus operandi, working in teams, but initially not as a part
of a codified or unified programme. The unification came to some
extent later, when Danish kings like Ivar Boneless or Canute the
Great organised mass pillaging in Britain, but they were not bound
together by an overarching ideology. The Waffen SS, on the other
hand, was a group of people united by a common codified political
programme and vision.
Moreover, the term Viking denotes
people inhabiting a long chronology and a large geographical area.
The traditional dating for the Viking period is 793-1066 and this
period was marked not only by Viking raids but also by Norse
settlement and interaction. Every series of raids and every
large-scale invasion was a response to circumstances that were
specific to its contemporaneity, dependent on concerns, personal
choices and a thousand factors that were impossible to map back then,
and more so in our time. The Waffen SS, however, was comprised of a
group of people from a limited geography and a very short period of
time. Even though each member of Waffen SS had his own personal
reasons for joining, each member was suffused by an ideology that
presented a specific world-view and operated within a nationalistic
construct. In short, the genesis of Waffen SS was driven by a
political purpose at a specific cultural and geographical point in
history. The Vikings, however, were driven by very material concerns,
namely food and riches. In other words, the Vikings and the Waffen SS
are not comparable categories at all, and Cockburn's juxtaposition is
therefore pointless and fruitless.
How to die in the Viking age
Illustration to the 1899 edition of Heimskringla by Christian Krohg
Courtesy of
troublesome insistence
fundamental problem in Cockburn's piece is, as stated, a matter of
category mistakes. Another, and equally problematic issue, is his
insistence on being topical. Throughout his text, Cockburn suggests
similaritites between the Anglo-Saxon victims of the Vikings and the
victims of the current strife in Iraq and Syria. While the human
trauma of both these historical situations are not to be
underestimated, it makes little sense to juxtapose them. Again, they
grew out of completely different historical circumstances, and to
compare these circumstances will add nothing to our understanding of
Another problem about this insistence on topicality,
is that Cockburn fails to realise that certain terms and concepts
are, because of their historical uniqueness, fraught with subtexts
that can not be transmitted to other historical phenomena. The Waffen
SS committed atrocities directed and subsumed by an imperialist,
anti-semitic, eugenicist, nationalistic agenda, and these atrocities
are still within living memory. The term Waffen SS, therefore, brings
to mind an orchestrated genocide that lacks parallels prior to the
century, and which evokes great personal trauma that creates a lense
which colours any juxtaposition in accordance with these memories. We
are, in other words, coaxed into imagining an 11th-century Norseman
carrying a swastika and killing people in the name of the Third
Reich. This is a manipulation of historical memory which is
ludicrously imprecise. It is also extremely disrespectful towards
those who were the victims of such trauma, since historical phenomena
are jumbled together and assembled in a way which removes them from
their own contemporary contexts. Such a strategy is effective,
especially in light of the adoption of Norse symbols and culture into
Nazism and Neo-Nazism, but it is dishonest.

Propaganda poster showing the Norwegian Nazi party's adoption of Viking culture
Courtesy of
this website
established the fundamental methodological weaknesses and injustices
committed by Cockburn, it is time to turn to some of the stylistic
incongruities of the piece.
chief stylistic incongruity is one perhaps most easily detected by
the professional historian, and I say this without smugness or
arrogance. The chief incongruity is namely the histrionic pathos that
emerges from Cockburn's repetitive insistence on topicality, where
the Viking raids – gruesome and pitiless though they were – are
evocatively but fraudulently presented as the architects and
perpetrators of one of the worst genocides history has ever seen. It
is reminiscent of Christopher Hitchens' terrible highfalutin bathos
whenever he would use the term "medieval" or talk about
religion. In other words, Cockburn's tone of voice in his piece is
incongruous with the sobriety demanded by a careful historical
riposte against revisionism, which he states himself is at the heart
of the matter.
Another incongruity is the succession of points
made by Cockburn towards the end. After describing the death of
Alphege of Canterbury and thus having established the ferocity of the
Vikings, Cockburn then moves on to the St Brice's Day Massacre to
further his point of the barbarity of the Norsemen. This is a very
strange choice, since this was a massacre perpetrated against the
Danes by the Anglo-Saxons. Cockburn is aware of this, however and
comments that this was the case, which only goes to befuddle the
reader, for surely, this does not strengthen his case.
this incongruity, Cockburn opens his next paragraph by saying
"[o]verall, the Scandinavians have a lot to apologise for",
and here I will allow myself to be a little facetious, for it sounds
as if he criticises the Norsemen for the inconvenience of dying on
British soil. Of course, this is not what he means and I do
understand his point, but it is so poorly put that it does little
service to his central argument. This makes it the final incongruity
I will touch upon here, for even though every discerning reader
understands what Cockburn is getting at – that the Vikings were
responsible for many atrocities – it would nonetheless, considering
how he jumbles historical elements about, be very surprising if he
were to mean modern-day Scandinavians. In short: Cockburn's
anachronistic juxtaposition of historical elements disrupts
chronology and presents a simplistic view of how complex history
really is, thereby removing all credibility he has in the
Concluding points
As a person
who, by virtue of a master's degree in history, is a professional
historian, I'm often forced to justify my value to a society
increasingly blind to immaterial gain. I don't find this a difficult
thing to do, providing I'm given time and place to speak, but it is
nonetheless a concern that is constantly at the forefront of my mind.
Consequently, I react very negatively when a person who is not
professionally trained in the art of history presents a narrative
which distorts chronology, ignores fundamental methodological
concerns and is void of any humility and nuance. The heart of the
problem is when complex historical issues are stripped down to a
ludicrous juxtaposition without taking into account historical
context, and then presented in a histrionic manner ill-suited for the
kind of sober reflection needed when aiming to give an accurate
rendition of a historical epoch. Cockburn's piece is a poorly
written, highfalutin text that has little value in a debate on
historical matters. This is very sad, and especially because I agree
with Cockburn's central point: that the atrocities of the Vikings
should be at the core of any presentation of their culture. However,
because the piece is written the way it is, and because he fails to
engage properly with the material, he fails to create a good arena
for a debate. To my mind, this is an excellent example of why we need
professional historians, lest we sacrifice accuracy and complexity
for imprecise simplicity.