In the 12th century
the royal saint Edmund of East Anglia (d.869), better known as Edmund
Martyr, enjoyed a substantial cult, centered at the powerful abbey of
Bury-St-Edmunds in Suffolk. Some scholars claim that Bury was the
most popular destination for pilgrimage around 1140 - although
eventually outshone by Thomas Becket's shrine in Canterbury - and the
abbots (among them Samson who reigned 1180-1211) enjoyed great power
and many privileges of both clerical and secular nature. Throughout
the 12th century new hagiographies for Edmund were written, and
Edmund's cult became more widespread in Western Christendom.

The recovery of Edmund's head, from MS Harley 2278, English, c.1434-39
However, one text
written towards the end of the 12th century includes what we might
call an irreverent allusion to the legend of St. Edmund. The saint
himself is not referred to by name, but the detail alluded to is so
iconic that it is no doubt about its origin. The work in question is
Speculum Stultorum, written by a Benedictine monk from
Canterbury named Nigel (c.1135-98?), who is also known as Nigel
Wireker, Nigel Whiteacre, Nigel of Canterbury or Nigel de Longchamps.
Speculum Stultorum was Nigel's most popular work and it is a
satirical beast-fable written within the timeframe November 1179 -
March 1180, dedicated to William, possibly the chancellor of Christ
Church at Canterbury.
Stultorum recounts the story of
Bursinus, an ass meant to represent an ambitious religious man, who
tries to get a new tail, attempts to acquire a university education
and vainly aspires to found a new religious order. The poem belongs
to the beast-fable tradition, which originated in the mid-eleventh
century with the anonymous Ecbasis Captivi
and was reinforced in the fable collection Ysengrimus
from 1148 by Nivard of Ghent. The latter was also most likely the
basis for the stories about Reynard the Fox.

Reynard preaching to birds, from MS. Royal 10 E IV, France, turn of the 13th century
Wireker was critical of the university education burgeoning in Paris
- where he had himself most likely studied - and viewed other
religious orders with scepticism. It is therefore only natural that a
part of Speculum Stultorum
is dedicated to satirising various religious orders, among which were
the Albis Monachis, the white brethren, better known as the
Cistercians. It is in this section (lines 2111-2182) Nigel refers to
the popular Saint Edmund legend. The Cistercians were - and perhaps
still are - prohibited from eating meat, but Nigel claims they did
eat it, only they made sure to bury the remains:
Carnibus absumptis vestigia nulla videbis,
Carnibus absumptis vestigia nulla videbis,
Ne clament, her
her, ossa sepulta jacent.
- Lines 2135-36
Do not waste time
looking for leftovers of the meat,
The bones do not
shout "here, here!" from the grave in which they are
- my translation

The wolf guarding Edmund's head, MS. Harley 4826, English, c.1450-60
allusion is to the popular, and often depicted, legend of Edmund's
head. Tradition stated that when Edmund had refused to surrender to
the torturing Vikings - and, some say, not given up the location of
his treasure - he was decapitated and his head was tossed into the
woods. The head - guarded by a wolf
- started to call out "here, here, here", and was
eventually found, rescued and reunited with the body. The
Cistercians, however, took pains not to let the bones of the food
give themselves away in a similar manner and buried them in the
ground to prevent them from calling out to people passing by. That
is, if we are to believe the contentious Nigel Wireker.

MS. Yates Thompson 47, English, c.1461-75
Bale, Anthony (ed.), St Edmund, King and Martyr - Changing Images of a Medieval Saint, York Medieval Press, 2009
Bale, Anthony (ed.), St Edmund, King and Martyr - Changing Images of a Medieval Saint, York Medieval Press, 2009
John and Raymo, Robert (eds.), Nigel
de Longchamps Speculum Stultorum
Rigg, A. G., ‘Canterbury, Nigel of (c.1135–1198?)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 5 June 2013]
All images courtesy of British Library.
Rigg, A. G., ‘Canterbury, Nigel of (c.1135–1198?)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 5 June 2013]
All images courtesy of British Library.
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