I'm currently neck-deep in PhD proposals and TA work and I'm currently nearing the end of the first of two hellishly busy weeks. In order to keep the posting frequency at the established four-times-a-month minimum, here's a poem I wrote back in November. The poem is based on Parmigianino's (1503-40) Madonna and Child with angels, most commonly known as Madonna dal collo lungo, Our Lady of the long neck. It was painted in the period 1534-40. The picture is taken from Wikimedia.

Human Pith
Parmigianino's Madonna
dal collo lungo
A dead child fresh-looted from the earth
or else a dummy clumsily arranged
across her lap, fixed in a posture strange
to living flesh proclaims the deathless truth
of God the man who set frail mankind's worth
above His sparrows. How little we have changed
since first His form set foot in street and grange
of Galilee to heal the human pith.
That wound is bleeding still, but by His words
we may yet find a way from out our deep,
weak as we are, prey in the beak of birds,
hostage to oaths we break and oaths we keep,
myopic striders lost within the herd,
idolaters denying our children sleep
- November 09 2013
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