In April last year I attended my first
academic conference as a participant. The conference in question was
titled Performing Medieval Text and was held at Merton College,
Oxford, arranged by Merton's own Pauline Souleau and Henry Hope. I
was very excited to go, not only because it was an important academic
experience, but because I have a long-standing fascination with
Oxford, fuelled by the TV-series Inspector Morse,
Lewis and now recently
Endeavour. These
series are not the best advertisement for academic life in Oxford,
however, as academics in these series are either murdered, murderous
or generally unpleasant beings. A good friend of mine noted that I
should take care to deliver a mediocre paper, for according to the
series, only good or bad academics were at risk. I'm still alive, so
it would appear I managed to follow his advice.

Edward the Confessor carrying a cripple into Westminster Abbey
From MS Egerton 745, a French collection of saints from early 14th century
Courtesy of British Library
the two days of the conference I lodged at Balliol College, a college
that vies with Merton (and presumably others) for the title of
Oxford's oldest. Originating in the 13th century - according to a
flyer in my room - they do at least have a very good basis for this
claim. As a resident guest, I was allowed not only access to the
college quad - which was like entering the court of a medieval castle
- but also inside the college buildings, taking my breakfast in a
rather magnificent dining room with stained glass roundels in the
windows, and watching the evening settle over Oxford from a terrace
right outside my room.
Canadian novelist Robertson Davies once pointed out that the
universities originated in the Middle Ages, and much of the Middle
Ages remained in them still. Architecturally speaking, this is very
true of Oxford. It was all very different from what I had grown
accustomed to at NTNU in Trondheim, where the humanities are gathered
in one single campus which was built in a modern - but not
unappealing - design in 1996. As I navigated the streets and lanes
finding my way from Balliol to Merton, I must admit I felt more
academically significant, more academically capable. Like in the case
of that old cliche that some people make you feel smarter by their
mere presence, the atmosphere of Oxford made me feel grander.
conference itself was also a great and pleasant experience. It was a
small conference with attendees from far and wide, which ensured that
there was a wide array of perspectives and experiences, but also that
there was only one session going on at any given time, so when you
stepped up to speak, the audience was as complete as an audience can
be, allowing of course for the odd absentee. I met a great number of
interesting people, I was exposed to that generous kindness which I
have realised is more typical of academia than most people are aware,
and I learned a great number of things from the other papers, all of
which were to some degree fascinating, providing me with valuable
insight in the field of medieval studies. The papers were
interspersed with two excellent keynote lectures, a brief
presentation of medieval books from Merton College's collection, a
beautiful concert in the college chapel and the various food breaks
required to keep at it for eight hours.
The gateway to Merton College
It was an interdisciplinary conference, bringing together people from history, musicology, art history and literature to reflect on medieval texts from a performative perspective. I talked about texts for medieval saints, using as my case study Edward the Confessor, whom I had worked extensively on during my MA. In my paper I compared hagiographical texts with a liturgical item from the office material of Edward the Confessor, arguing that the distillation and compression of hagiographical material in liturgical texts owes to the performative aspects of liturgy, that liturgical items are shorter and more compact because they are performed in a set architectural setting, and for a set liturgical purpose.
Merton College Chapel
The reason I bring up this conference now, more than a year later, is that a recording of my talk from the conference is now available on youtube, and so are the talks of many of my fellow attendees. They are all highly recommended.